Exhibitor Information
Stay connected to leaders from law libraries across the country
At the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), our members are legal information experts. The AALL Virtual Conference—AALL 2020 Reimagined—allows your organization several opportunities to stay connected to AALL members. Your virtual exhibit features make it easy for attendees to find information on your products as well as new technologies and services during the three days of the conference, July 14-16. Monday, July 13 is the opening Partner Solutions Day, an exclusive no-conflict time for attendees to explore the organizations in the virtual exhibit hall. Each virtual space is only $2,500.
Virtual Exhibit Includes:
- Company Name
- Company Banner Graphic
- Company Logo
- Company Description
- Link to Company Website
- Live Video and live chat capability (unlimited) – video chat capability (up to 4 staff)
- Product Showcase Listing – one product description and image
- PDF file upload – up to 3*
- Weblinks (to your website, videos, etc.) – up to 3*
- “Request for info” – generate an email back to your company to connect with attendees interested in your products and services.
- Social Media Links
- Pre-Recorded Exhibit Education session with live chat (limited hours) – exhibitor can provide one 45-minute pre-recorded video
- Complimentary Pre- and Post-event attendee list with email addresses. Pre-conference registration list will be sent on July 6 and the Post-conference registrant list will be sent on July 27.
- Opportunity to purchase AALL membership list with email addresses - email sales@infocusmarketing.com with AALL Member List in the subject line
- Two Virtual Conference Registrations
View the schedule at-a-glance and Exhibitor FAQs for additional information, or visit the conference website at https://www.aallnet.org/conference/.
To apply for virtual exhibit space, please submit an exhibit space contract or for information, please contact Pam Reisinger at preisinger@aall.org or at 312.205.8026.